Introducing Michael, 44 “I was a troubled kid and had experienced too much hurt and seen too many disappointments to give or receive…humansgodaddyOctober 16, 2023
Introducing Javier, 31 “I’ve learned that if someone gives me an opportunity, I can accomplish a lot”humansgodaddyOctober 11, 2023
Introducing Audra, 53 My mistakes and crimes do not define me, my hurt no longer controls me.humansgodaddyOctober 4, 2023
Introducing William, 58 What on earth would make this young person, with so much life and joy ahead of her, want to keep…humansgodaddySeptember 27, 2023
Introducing Victor, 54 I scanned the dayroom, paying particular attention to people’s hands, looking for weapons, and to eyes and faces to see…humansgodaddySeptember 26, 2023
Introducing Zach, 31 If a negative thought comes at you, deflect it like a ping pong ball. It will keep coming back but…humansgodaddySeptember 25, 2023
Introducing Roy Lee, 68 The powers that be, have no idea all the good teachings Stacy did for people.humansgodaddySeptember 21, 2023
Introducing Joseph, 67 From slavery to unity, through suffering and scorn, Katrina can’t break us as Americans, Like before, we’ll weather the storm.humansgodaddySeptember 20, 2023
Introducing Moonshadow, 43 That day taught me three things. It really is the thought that counts. Always be creative. A simple act of…humansgodaddySeptember 18, 2023
Introducing Alexander, 26 A friend is someone you can count on. Someone you share your thoughts with.humansgodaddySeptember 14, 2023