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Happy New Year, my San Quentin Team!

I hope this message finds you all well. I received your 2023 Impact Report today—job well done! Congratulations on your grant and for continuing your passionate work to reach as many of us as possible. Thank you for everything. Thank you for always sending me mail from your sunny state of California and reminding me that, no matter the distance, you’ve never failed to show me that I’m not alone. Your constant support speaks volumes of love in the most meaningful way, and I will be forever grateful. The debt of gratitude I owe you is too great to fully express, but for now, please let me know how else I can help or be of service. I’m here for you, just as I offer myself to God with the song: “I’m listening—use me, I am yours.” The same extends to you, my Humans of San Quentin family. Much love! You’ve truly made my day. Thank you for the smiles and the love, which always wins in my book. I am not sure if I’ve shared this, but a small group of us was chosen for a TED Talk coming this fall to Bedford Hills. Can you come?  I’ll be in touch! Thank you again to the stars. Wishing you all a Happy New Year. Thanks for reading!

All my love, Ivie

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