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Together Beneath the Star Filled Sky


Midnight brings us together beneath the star-filled

sky, in our hearts, in our minds, with our

spirits and in our love for one another, even

though we are miles apart.

When I look into the darkness of the sky, I see

your beautiful face amongst the brilliant

light of the stars smiling down upon me as if

to bestow upon me the warmth and gentleness

of your ever-faithful and undying love

for me.

I look back, and I smile, but I still feel the

pain and loneliness deep within my heart

that being in love and being away from you


When you look into the sky amongst the

stars and you see my face, and you’ll see the

tears that I shed you’ll feel the pain and

emptiness that I think, and you’ll see my

smile, and you might even see my fears.

But none of that matters if you don’t

see and feel the love that I have for you

Deep in my heart

As each midnight comes our way, look to

the midnight sky and always know that

I, too, will be looking and feeling your love

and closeness, and also know that I will

be watching over you with the eyes of my

love through the stars in the sky, now and

until we are in one another’s presence and

exploring one another’s love.


Written 1995

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