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My life was a horrible mess, I had serious problems and I was the last one to know it. I made a stupid decision one warm night in June that cost me my freedom, family and destroyed my character.

It was like living a nightmare. I was a husband and a father to three small kids whom I loved dearly. I graduated high school, spent four years in the military and was a licensed funeral director. I was enslaved to alcohol, drugs and pornography and I had no idea who I was as a man. I lived a double life as a person who served the community on one side of town and who was a liar, thief, fornicator and manipulator on the other.

I was booked and charged with murder in the Harris County Jail in Houston, Texas. That was ten years ago.

In reflection, I was a nice guy raised by loving parents, a brother and three sisters. The only mistake I think my parents made in raising me, was that they didnโ€™t tell me enough about Jesus. I believed in Him, but I did not know Him, in turn my life was riddled with bad decisions.

Prison today for me is a blessing. Now, donโ€™t take that wrong. The Texas Prison System is a very racist slave plantation with the majority being black, then Hispanic and minimally white. They give out time like government cheese and do not honor the parole system.

I take full ownership of my life while making every day highly productive. Iโ€™m involved in an array of ministerial duties, a teacher’s assistant and will be attending Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for a degree in Biblical Studies.

I owe much of my rehabilitation to my supportive family. I miss my freedom, jazz music, the wonderful food, riding my motorcycle and most of all my children. My faith in Lord Jesus Christ, knowing he loves me and has a plan and purpose for my life, is what gets me through each day. I spend my time sharing the love of Christ and being a living testimony.

Most of all, I thank my three loyal wise men, brothers Mark, Louis and Oscar, who stand with me daily. As we like to say in prison โ€˜we are keeping it 100โ€™ we are being real. I love you guys

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