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…I rolled out the bed to the sounds of slots slamming shut and reopening and inmates yelling. “What’s on the trays?!” It was lunch time in solitary confinement.

Incarcerated: 8 yrs
Housed: Allred Unit, Iowa Park, Texas

I rolled out of bed to the sounds of slots slamming shut, reopening and people yelling. “What’s on the trays?!” It was lunch time in solitary confinement. When the correctional officer finally reached my door to hand me my tray, I smiled, gave my respects and appreciation for feeding me. I was up all night discussing and creating a project I’ve been working on to help and support humanity. The conversation with my neighbor, Rocky, was powerfully profound, inspiring and spiritual. He woke up and shared with me his dream about our project, Humble Monsters. He said “Sosa, I have never written down my dream, this one was so deep and meaningful I had too!” I could hear the wonder and excitement in his voice. After reading it, I was in awe. It was linked to everything that’s been going on for me. The self guided empowerment book I am reading, Mayan Messages, my Bible conversations, to a friend of mine coming for a visit. He gave me a book that I really needed, The Best Resource Directory for Prisoners by Mike Enemigo. All this was linked to my project. God is opening doors for me. He’s placing events, people and resources in my path to succeed. My mind and heart are in the right place. At that moment I told myself I’m going to take this more seriously. My neighbor and mentor on the right side, Jeremy, banged on my wall “Look out Sosa!” I came to the door, he fed me positive knowledge and wisdom on various topics, so I was alert. “I’m listening to this Christian program and something told me to share this with you.” With excitement, I felt the positive vibes. “You have been chosen by the chosen one, whatever you have going on, keep going and the man above is working through you. You are on the right path. Don’t let negative thoughts creep in. Don’t give up, you are headed in the right direction.” It was a powerful message. Feelings that were inexplicable arose within. I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I heard a voice in the back of my head “Push like you never pushed before until it’s complete.”

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