Art Patrick “Jimmy’s” Gallery My inspiration is a chaotic mix of my Native American culture and my love of all things Steampunk and Star…humansgodaddyMarch 17, 2022
Introducing Douglas, 58 Who were you then and who are you now? I am a survivor and my hope and my prayer is…humansgodaddyMarch 17, 2022
Introducing Andrew, 48 What would you tell the old Andrew? "You need to relax from being the foolish person that you are." The…humansgodaddyMarch 14, 2022
Poetry “Let Freedom Ring” by Gene It's all about being Free doing the Month of Black History. Abraham Lincoln set the slave(s) free in 1863 in…humansgodaddyMarch 14, 2022
Poetry “Again and Again,” “What Goes Through This Mind,” “Stop The Violence,” and “The Night Before” by Jeffery Again and Again How many times have I been here? Again and again... In the same space leaving a trace…humansgodaddyMarch 14, 2022
Art Gregory’s Gallery Incarcerated: 22 years Housed: San Quentin State Prison “And remember if you can be anything in this life… BE KIND!!!”…humansgodaddyMarch 11, 2022
Art Kelsey’s Gallery My name is Kelsey “Kels,” I’m 63 years old, and from Simi Valley California. I'm what is known as a…humansgodaddyMarch 11, 2022
Art Bruce’s Gallery A carpenter by trade, I think of myself as a craftsman more than an artist but I do enjoy painting.…humansgodaddyMarch 11, 2022
Poetry “Meaning Of Clouds” by White Eagle Clouds are beautiful in their many shapes and sizes, colors and purpose. Clouds bring rain and generate life. They renew…humansgodaddyMarch 7, 2022
Art Ivié’s Gallery Self-Forgiveness is a work in progress It takes a strong person to stand and live With the burden of a…humansgodaddyMarch 6, 2022