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I’m not comfortable in prison, but I am comfortable when I know my family and loved ones are good.

Incarcerated: 21 years
Housed: California Institution for Men, Chino

Mood: Positive, strong, determined and ready to get out and live. 

I’m taking it one day at a time in this concrete jungle they call prison. But as my mama used to say, “Only the strong survive,” may she rest in peace. One day I will be physically free, I’ve been wrongfully incarcerated for 21 years. I have a lot of evidence to prove it if you’re interested in reading about it. 

I’m not comfortable in prison, but I am comfortable when I know my family and loved ones are good. I have the hygiene and food I need. I’ve learned a lot here, primarily patience. I’m trying to change my quick temper and a lot has changed in me. I have a routine and having a job helps. I spend most of my free time at the law library to help me get my physical freedom back! I think a lot. I don’t sleep well in here, and not being comfortable keeps me up at night. 

What do I miss about being free? 

I miss doing what I want. I appreciate things more now, simple things like a shower, bath, clothes, good food. 

How do I feel love? 

Love in my family and those who are here for me while I’m in prison. I don’t see my family since they all live out of state. I talk to them here and there and communicate mostly by mail. 

Love is real, meaningful and beautiful. 

Love is God and Jesus.

Love is strength and determination. 

Please feel free to write to me anytime. God Bless!

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