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I made a few mistakes in my life but since my incarceration I have dedicated my life to becoming the leader I felt like I needed in my life.


I made a few mistakes in my life but since my incarceration I have dedicated my life to becoming the leader I felt like I needed in my life. Thanks to my sister I was able to have a poem book published that can hopefully inspire those who read it to chase their dreams no matter where they may be. It’s called ‘The Book Of Spade.’

Here is a poem I gave during  Sumter’s Lifers Program Graduation.





So much time…wasted

Sleeping in this century


While some rot,


Are holding on to a thin line of hope…

That one day…

They can see the light


The light at the end of the tunnel,

No matter how dim and frail

It may be,

It’s enough…

To get them to their feet.


Seeing the errors of their ways

Some realize it’s time for change…

As a man thinketh

So is he…

The stronger the mind

The better off that man will be.


The soul glows,

The spirit becomes enlightened,

But the body remains stationary…

Locked away to be forgotten.






So much time

Can cause a man to be broken


Some choose to keep fighting,



Pushing through the darkness

That’s trying to cloud their minds

So they can keep their eyes…

On that dim little light

At the end of the tunnel.


Looking towards the mountain

Where those that have the power

To make a change dwell…

Praying that they would consider

Adding a little wood to the fire so the light…

So the light…

At the end of the tunnel

Can burn brighter.



It’s time for change.


No longer should we stand by and allow things to remain the same…





So much time…

So much misery.


Read His Poetry

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