Introducing Melissa, 44 I realized that while my body may be confined, my mind and spirit didn’t have to be. I have been…BarryJanuary 23, 2025
Introducing India, 44 I never thought I would have made it to this place. I am getting out soon. It is very bittersweet…BarryJuly 9, 2024
Introducing Toby, 48 “A man is not great because he never failed, a man is great because failure has never stopped him.” …BarryMay 7, 2024
Introducing Maurice, 45 I am from Detroit and have been in and out of prison and jail throughout my life. I am…BarryMay 4, 2024
Introducing Charles, 61 Prison life is steeped in suffering, the prison a cemetery, and the cell my tomb. Life in prison is just…humansgodaddyJune 17, 2022
Poetry Move it Along Shitheads, Suicide Watch & I Was Once Insane by Jerry M Move it Along Shitheads Iron doors clang Like ancient gongs Calling the devout to prayer. Belly chains constrict And leg…humansgodaddyMarch 29, 2022
Introducing Jerry, 47 I shot and killed a man. No matter how much I'd like to change the past, I cannot. But I…humansgodaddyMarch 27, 2022
Introducing James, 47 “I believe we as prisoners can and should unite by utilizing every resource possible to expose, and subsequently compel legislatures…humansgodaddyJanuary 18, 2022
Introducing Robert, 65 The next thing I heard about him was that he had died from the coronavirus. The suddenness of it all…humansgodaddyNovember 23, 2021
Introducing Gene, 73 They are very negative and think everybody is against them and they know it all!humansgodaddyOctober 23, 2021