Gratitude Thank You from Jeffrey Dear Humans of San Quentin, Thank you for allowing me to forward the attached two pieces for publication where you…humansgodaddyNovember 16, 2021
Gratitude Thank You from Jesus Dear Diane, I pray this here finds you and the entire Humans of San Quentin team hangin-in-there as best as…humansgodaddyNovember 16, 2021
Gratitude Thank You from Juan Luis Humans of San Quentin There's a society surrounded by walls Men, daily, making their phone calls Bard wire you can…humansgodaddyNovember 16, 2021
Gratitude Thank You from Kevin October 4, 2020 Dear Diane & HOSQ: Thank you for writing and mailing me the Humans of San Quentin call…humansgodaddyNovember 16, 2021
Gratitude Thank You from Richard Dear HoSQ: I apologize for the lengthy delay in returning a response to you, which was a letter you sent…humansgodaddyNovember 16, 2021
Gratitude Thank You from Steven Thanks for taking time to read this. If you would like more detail of upbringing being from West Oakland CA.…humansgodaddyNovember 16, 2021
Gratitude Vu Dear Diane & HoSQ Team, I send my best wishes for health, peace and joy. I had received both of…humansgodaddyNovember 16, 2021
Gratitude Raul Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a…humansgodaddyNovember 16, 2021
Gratitude Brandon Dear Diane & Team: I am in grateful receipt of your recent correspondence and thank you for all your time…humansgodaddyNovember 16, 2021
Gratitude Lavont Hi Diane, I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to become a proud member of “Humans of San…humansgodaddyNovember 11, 2021